Iran | featured news

3 world powers criticize Iranian enrichment

Russia joined the U.S. and France in urging Iran to stop enriching uranium to higher levels in a statement shared Tuesday with The Associated Press, suggesting the project reinforced suspicions that Tehran is seeking to make nuclear weapons.


Ahmadinejad says hopeful on detainees in Iran/U.S.

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on Tuesday he was hopeful that the cases of Americans detained in Iran and of Iranians held in the United States would be resolved and that they would be freed.


Clinton: Iran is becoming a military dictatorship

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said Monday that Iran is becoming a military dictatorship, a new U.S. accusation in ...


Clinton urges Iran to reconsider nuke plan

Clinton urges Iran to reconsider nuke plan

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton has told an international conference that Iran has left the world little choice but to take harsher action to contain its nuclear program.


Biden says expects China support on Iran sanctions

Biden says expects China support on Iran sanctions

Vice President Joe Biden said on Sunday the United States expects to gain China's support for imposing sanctions on Iran over its nuclear program.


Iran proclaims uranium success

Iran proclaims uranium success

Ahmadinejad says first batch of higher enriched uranium produced: Iran now "a nuclear state."


Rhetoric vs. reality: Iran faces nuclear setbacks

Iran is experiencing surprising setbacks in its efforts to enrich uranium, according to new assessments that suggest equipment failures could undermine its nuclear ambitions.


Clashes Break Out in Iran During Revolution Rally

Clashes Break Out in Iran During Revolution Rally

Witnesses say security forces fired paint balls to disperse anti-government protesters in one of the first clashes during ceremonies to mark the anniversary of the 1979 Islamic Revolution.


Iran Begins Enriching Uranium

Iran said it has begun enriching some of its low-grade uranium for use in a medical-research reactor, brushing off fresh international threats of economic sanctions.


Defying the West, Iran's president orders hike in nuclear enrichment

Defying the West, Iran's president orders hike in nuclear enrichment

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad tells his atomic energy chief to boost uranium enrichment from 3.5% to 20% as talks over a nuclear-fuel exchange sputter.


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