Senh: Every electronics company is jumping into consumer smartphones and tablet computers now. Steve Jobs revolutionized both of these fields.
Senh: Makes sense. RIM's Blackberry is still the most used smartphone - yes, more than iPhone and Android phones. With more users browsing the web on their phones, why give the ad revenue to Google or Apple? Just by turning on an ad network, they could be number one in the mobile ad market.
Senh: It's a tweener - bigger than a smartphone, but smaller than the iPad. I have an HD2, which has 4.3" screen. The Dell Streak is only 5". That's not much bigger than what I have. Is it really a tablet computer? Sounds more like a smartphone. I'm kinda disappointed by Dell. This is no tablet. This is just a bigger smartphone. I was expecting a bit more. Meh. If you already have a smartphone, there's really no reason to get this. The nice thing with the iPad is you can actually browse the web without zooming in and out. The experience on the Dell Streak is not much different than a HD2, Evo, or Droid X, so why bother. For the record, this is a smartphone; it's not a tablet.
Senh: I love my keyboard on the Touch Pro 2, but I've grown to love Swype. The only problem is if you use it too much, you start to develop callouses on your fingers. This is when having a physical keyboard is nice.
Senh: Apple's gotta point the finger at someone, and it looks like this guy's the scapegoat. And yet, they still wouldn't admit that there's a hardware problem.