Blackberry, Ces | featured news

New Blackberry Is Awesome

Blackberry 10

In June 2011, I spent some time with an early version of BlackBerry 10 and commented that things “can only get better.” I said that because. at the time, things weren’t good. At all. BlackBerry 10 was a mess and the developer unit I tried it on was so glitchy I felt guilty writing a hands-on piece at all. Yesterday, off-site at CES, I got a full run down of a near-final version of BlackBerry 10 by the folks at Research in Motion. I can’t believe the difference six months can make. BlackBerry 10 is not only fully functional now, but it’s exciting.


Best Android Phones at CES 2011

Many mobile manufacturers are making sure that their company portfolio is loaded with Android based cell phones that can grab the attention of the world audience. Have a quick look at some of the new Android based cell phones that are available at the CES 2011.


Verizon reveals first '4G' tablet and phone

Verizon reveals first '4G' tablet and phone

The first portable devices announced for Verizon Wireless' new, high-speed wireless data network are a smart phone and a tablet from Motorola, both designed to take advantage of network's speed with cameras for videoconferencing....


5 Tech Trends of 2011

Ultrafast smartphones, tablets galore (and a Verizon iPad, maybe?), and the death of 3D TV among trends to watch at 2011 Consumer Electronics Show.


New Palm phones create Wi-Fi hotspot

Palm on Thursday announced upgraded versions of its Pre and Pixi smartphones that add video recording and the capability to create 3G mobile hotspots for laptops and other mobile devices.


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