Motorists adapting to Hildebrand Express-News Copyright 2013 Express-News. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. Updated 9:56 pm, Monday, January 14, 2013 For all the hype — in news stories, in city email alerts and on highway message signs, for starters — perhaps you'd expect reports of drivers abandoning their vehicles on the side of the road out of anger and frustration. [...] as rush hour rolled around Monday evening, the first day that Hildebrand between the San Antonio River and North New Braunfels Avenue was converted to one way eastbound, a city official said traffic had flowed smoothly. “Overall, we are very pleased with how drivers are adapting and how eastbound is working,” said Mike Frisbie, director of the city's Capital Improvements Management Services department. “Everybody's been pretty good about it,” said a constable directing traffic at the intersection Monday morning, though at least one motorist tried to enter Hildebrand against traffic before realizing his mistake.