UN secretary general Ban Ki-moon calls on Indian government to act urgently following death of 23-year-old Delhi studentThe United Nations secretary general, Ban Ki-moon, has called on the Indian government to take urgent action to protect women following the death this weekend of a 23-year-old Delhi student of injuries sustained during a brutal gang rape in the city."Every girl and woman has the right to be respected, valued and protected," Ban said in a statement in which he welcomed current efforts by the government but called for "further steps and reforms to deter such crimes and bring perpetrators to justice".The intervention of the UN takes the fall-out from the incident two weeks ago to a new level and underlines the damage it has done to India's international image, already battered by repeated corruption scandals, a huge power failure earlier this year and slowing economic growth.The body of the still unnamed victim was cremated according to Hindu rites in the Indian capital shortly after dawn on Sunday.