On Friday, books mixed with a little bit of technology took home the top prize at the Creative Coast’s annual FastPitch competition. “Here, just like everywhere else, there are a lot more library fans than library users. So what is preventing all of you from going to the library all of the time?” asked Trey Gordner, creator of Koios, a browser extension that alerts users when books are available at local libraries. Twenty-two participants pitched their products and services Friday to a panel of six judges and more than a 100 audience members, who asked follow-up questions after each presentation at the Creators’ Foundry on West Boundry Street. Through research, Gordner said he determined that most people don’t know what libraries have to offer and the process of trying to find an item at the library takes too long. Enter Koios. For example, if you’re shopping for the newest Stephen King novel on Amazon, a message will alert you that it’s available at your neighborhood library and you can reserve it on the spot with just a click.