Facebook — which in March admitted to a data breach of 50 million users — wants your nudes. Understandably, that might not seem like the most appealing idea at this point. But Facebook's policy chief in Ireland, Niamh Sweeney, said that the company is testing zapping photos that violate its terms and conditions by, apparently, inviting users to try to post the images themselves, The New York Times reports. This is a good initiative from Facebook that probably won't have any unintended consequences https://t.co/sV6nV6LYTz pic.twitter.com/u3fOZFTNyY — Adrian Chen (@AdrianChen) May 22, 2018 Facebook has struggled to keep "revenge porn" and embarrassing photos from being shared without users' consent, but it still needs something to test — the reasoning being that Facebook requires a nude photo to teach it to recognize and delete a nude photo.