Nueces County | featured news

Adult children follow in father's footsteps

By following in their father's professional footsteps, children celebrate their dads every day and become reminders of the legacy the man will leave behind and the promise of success in the future.


Coffee roasters might be at risk

Coffee workers don’t realize their lungs may be in danger from diacetyl exposure.


Investigation: Coffee plant workers face diacety

A Milwaukee Journal Sentinel investigation found that workers in the U.S. coffee industry face dangers from the chemical diacetyl, which is used as a flavoring and also occurs naturally during the roasting process.


Shooting survivor continues to heal

Mary Kristene Chapa survived a shooting in 2012 and continues to heal physically and emotionsally. She also is working on a book about her experience.


Loved ones honor local, world-renowned sculptor

"His soul as bold as the magma that formed his medium of choice," said friend, Christopher Gongolas, as he delivered a eulogy for Moroles on Saturday


Families build bonds, bridges at engineer event

Fathers and their children spent Saturday building stronger bonds ... and bridges.Armed with marshmallows, toothpicks, gum drops and uncooked spaghetti, families at the Corpus Christi Museum of Science & History created towers, bridges and other projects as part of a Father's Day Engineering Challenge


Kleberg County judge indicted on tampering case

Kleberg County Court-at-Law Judge Alfred Isassi will not be hearing cases for the foreseeable future after he was indicted Thursday on charges of tampering with a government document.


Robstown Women's Chapter recognized

The Beatrice T. Perez Robstown Women's Chapter was recognized as the American GI Forum of Texas' "outstanding chapter" this month, officials said.


Hawk released back to wild Friday

A rehabilitated Red-Tailed hawk was released to its natural habitat after more than a month of regulated feeding and flying guidance by Texas State Aquarium staff.


Waiting list for housing vouchers reopens

It's been nearly five years since housing authority officials last opened its Section 8 housing voucher waiting list.


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