Vying to become California's top law enforcement officer, Republicans John Eastman and Sen. Tom Harman had a potential political problem: Neither had prosecutorial experience. Fast-forward a few weeks and voilà! problem solved, amid allegations from their opponent, Los Angeles County District Attorney Steve Cooley, that both are trying to mislead voters in the GOP primary for attorney general. "It's an effort to deceive voters about their records, qualifications and occupations," said Kevin Spillane, spokesman for Cooley, who plans to challenge the designations in court, if necessary. Bah, humbug, counter spokesmen for Harman and Eastman, who are fighting to replace Democrat Jerry Brown, a gubernatorial candidate. Eastman requested the ballot designation "assistant attorney general," while Harman, R-Huntington Beach, is seeking "prosecutor/attorney/senator." Both are hanging their hats on titles earned last month.