Some major employers are tightening requirements for how often workers are in the office, leading to logistical problems.Westend61/Getty, Ramon Ivan Moreno Prieto/Getty, Chris Clor/Getty, Tyler Le/BIAn RTO push by some employers is leading to logistical challenges and space shortages.Many companies cut office space during the pandemic, complicating the return-to-office.Still, many CEOs are "ripping that Band-Aid and getting people the heck back in."You might not have a parking spot or a desk, but you might have a CEO who wants you back in the office anyway.That's the situation facing some corporate workers who've had a bumpy return-to-office process thanks to logistical hiccups.Late last year, Amazon delayed RTO requirements for some workers because of a dearth of office space and a need to reconfigure some setups.