INGLEWOOD, Calif. — Sean Payton never felt settled during the Broncos’ recent bye week. He said he never fully does. A few days with the prospect of more work ahead isn’t long enough to truly decompress. And the task is even tougher when you’re trying to end an eight-year playoff drought. As the Broncos returned to action ahead of a game against Indianapolis, he called out one area that he was particularly concerned about. Take Our Poll (function(d,c,j){if(!d.getElementById(j)){var pd=d.createElement(c),s;;pd.src='';s=d.getElementsByTagName(c)[0];s.parentNode.insertBefore(pd,s);} else if(typeof jQuery !=='undefined')jQuery(d.body).trigger('pd-script-load');}(document,'script','pd-polldaddy-loader')); “Our penalty numbers are still problematic,” he said on Dec.