Comment on Dem Sen. Bennet blasted as ‘radical’ after wife recorded apparently mocking Inflation Reduction Act name

Dem Sen. Bennet blasted as ‘radical’ after wife recorded apparently mocking Inflation Reduction Act name

Sen. Michael Bennet, D-Colo., is getting blasted by his opponent as "radical" after his wife was recorded talking to two undercover journalists about how Democrats shouldn't talk about what's really in the Inflation Reduction Act and how they could defund the police "quietly." Susan Daggett, a law professor at the University of Denver, is seen on video released Monday by Accuracy in Media, arguing that "the most successful efforts in Washington, D.C., are the ones that you never see on the front page of the paper." At one point in the video, Daggett agrees and laughs with the two journalists who mused about Democrats disguising a health and climate bill as the Inflation Reduction Act.


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