Fortnite held its Nexus War finale live event and had players around the world take on Galactus in an epic battle, but the use of AC/DC's Demon Fire during one sequence has caused Twitch to warn those who streamed the event that their clips may be at risk of a DMCA takedown. Following the event, which you can see below, @TwitchSupport tweeted out that "If you streamed the Fortnite Nexus War event, and you want to be cautious about DMCA risk from the music in that event, consider exporting/downloading and then deleting any related VODs or Clips." [ignvideo url=""] @FortniteStatus gave the warning a bit before the event, saying that even it "cannot prevent your VOD/clip content from getting flagged by the platform's copyright detection systems." It recommended muting the VoDs or turning them off completely.