Reuters The power players behind Cambridge Analytica set up a mysterious new data firm last year called Emerdata. The New York Times reported that Emerdata could be a front to rebrand Cambridge Analytica and SCL Group after Cambridge Analytica was shut down on Wednesday. The Times called it a "Blackwater-style" operation after the infamous private security firm changed its name when contractors were convicted of killing Iraqi civilians. There are established links between Emerdata and Blackwater. The power players behind Cambridge Analytica set up a mysterious new data firm last year — and there is speculation that it could be used a rebrand vehicle after Cambridge Analytica was shut down. Business Insider reported earlier this year that Emerdata was incorporated in August 2017 by executives at Cambridge Analytica, which was abruptly shuttered on Wednesday.See the rest of the story at Business InsiderNOW WATCH: Stop blaming violent video games for mass shootingsSee Also:One person has died in an E.