Fox News would like us all to know that if there is criticism of President Obama, like say for example, from Gary Sinise and Kelsey Grammer, well that's okay. But if people get pushback like Nicole Kidman did for telling us all we should just get over the fact that America just elected a fascist golden cheeto, well, screw that. Of course, that gave Neil Cavuto and his pals a reason to trash Hollywood in general, because they're not bowing down to General Cheeto and instead protesting his puny little inaugural. Ben Stein whines, "Hollywood is a bunch of big bullies and thugs trying to shut down anybody who doesn't agree with them." Kind of like Fox News is 24/7, eh, Ben? Cavuto then worried, with no irony in his voice about those who are "going one step further now...anything he wants to do, stop it." Charlie Gasparino jumped in with the inevitable McCarthyism claim.