Sept. 10-11Lake Erie Sectional at the Erie Bridge AssociationKathleen Horan and Charles Smith with 11.77 MP, Jim Davis and Barbara Grzegorzewski with 9.81 MP, William Lea and Steven Grzegorzewski 8.49 MP, Shirley Irish and Marc Sylvester 7.85 MP. Local News Headlines, Erie Times-News
Fri, 09/23/2016 - 3:24pm
Sept. 10-11Lake Erie Sectional at the Erie Bridge AssociationKathleen Horan and Charles Smith with 11.77 MP, Jim Davis and Barbara Grzegorzewski with 9.81 MP, William Lea and Steven Grzegorzewski 8.49 MP, Shirley Irish and Marc Sylvester 7.85 MP.