Some temporary features designed to slow traffic in Olin Heights have now been around for more than a year. On Tuesday, city staff and Savannah Alderman Julian Miller met with about 50 neighborhood residents to see if the mini-traffic circles and forced turn lanes on the eastern end of 58th and 60th street should be installed permanently. The features have successfully slowed traffic and shifted vehicles onto Columbus Avenue, where it is more appropriate, said city Traffic Engineering Coordinator Michele Strickland, but more drivers are also now speeding along 56th and 57th streets. While traffic circles can also be installed on 57th, the location of manholes at the intersections on 56th prevents the city from using that method along the road. Instead, city officials proposed the installation of small trapezoid-shaped landscaped plots that would jut out at regular intervals on alternate sides of the road, creating a slight serpentine path to get drivers to slow down. “Drivers drive based on the geometry of the road, irrespective of the speed limit,” Strickland said.