GREEN: A team of young reporters and video producers from Green schools is bringing awareness about gun violence prevention to local airwaves.On Dec. 14, 2012, the nation was rocked by the killing of 20 first-graders and six adults by a single shooter at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn.In response, the Start with Hello Call-to-Action Week initiative is launching throughout the country this week, with all five Green local schools participating.The new Bulldog Beat reporting and video team is leading the local effort by creating programming that will be shared with classmates and the entire community during the school year through Green Community TV (Channel 16).Launched last summer by Julie McMahan, the district’s director of communications and community relations, the team consists of: sixth-grader Rachel Pritchard, 12; seventh-graders Parker Doerrer and Saad Yousuf, both 12; seventh-graders Ella Hemphill, Sarah Sample and Xavier Adekunle, all 13; and sophomore Caroline Campbell, 16.The group’s first production, The Sandy Hook Promise, was staged Thursday in the high school’s video production studio, where the students operated all the sound and video equipment and directed the 30-minute TV taping.