Dr. Toby Cosgrove and Dr. Thomas “Tim” Stover Tuesday faced the Akron Press Club side-by-side, physical representations of the new blue and green signs that hang on the hospitals they represent — Cleveland Clinic Akron General.It’s been about two months since the Cleveland-based health care giant took ownership of Akron General Health System, a move that unnerved many Akron-area residents and upended the community hospital’s 101-year history.But Cosgrove Tuesday assured a room of 280 people that Cleveland Clinic had no interest in siphoning Akron General’s patients north, saying that the Cleveland Clinic instead wanted to expand its base and bring better health care to Summit County.Stover backed up Cosgrove’s assertion, saying more than half of all health care mergers like theirs soon fail, but theirs is a success because both partners are focused on patient care.“I can’t wait to see what Akron General will look like in the next five or 10 years ... it’s going to be a transformation,” Stover said.