Comment on AP News Guide: A look the University of Missouri's issues

AP News Guide: A look the University of Missouri's issues

(AP) — Efforts are underway at the University of Missouri to address the racial issues that led to demonstrations by students, a strike by members of the school's football team and the resignation of two top administrators. The University of Missouri's governing board on Thursday appointed a retired senior administrator to be interim president of the four-campus system and announced that the timetable for replacing the Columbia campus chancellor has been moved up. [...] Thursday, Chuck Henson, who was named earlier in the week to the new position of interim vice chancellor for inclusion, diversity and equity on the Columbia campus, told the media that he has been shocked by the number of people who want to prevent the university's community from having a good relationship, noting that some people online talked about wanting to see him dead. The turnover in administration began after campus groups, including Concerned Students 1950, started protesting the treatment of minorities on the Columbia campus and school leaders' perceived lack of response to their complaints. Middleton, who is black, retired as deputy chancellor of the Columbia campus in August. Since his retirement, he worked part-time with the campus' former chancellor, R.


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