Vietnam cardinal arrives, last 1 in for conclave Associated Press Copyright 2013 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. Updated 11:11 am, Thursday, March 7, 2013 Cardinals take two votes in the morning, two votes in the afternoon — all of them conducted in silent prayer, not chatter, amid the frescoes of the Sistine Chapel. The problems of the Holy See's internal governance have been a constant theme of deliberations this week as cardinals — especially from the United States — have sought information about allegations of corruption, turf wars and cronyism that were exposed by the leaks of papal documents last year. Lombardi said the financial briefing by the heads of the Vatican's economic affairs office, the administration of the Vatican City State, and the department overseeing the Holy See's assets and personnel was designed to give the cardinals an early peek at the Holy See's financial reports, which usually come out in July. Moneyval, which helps governments adhere to internationally recognized anti-money laundering and anti-terror financing norms, gave the Holy See a passing grade in its first evaluation last summer. [...] the bank received poor or failing grades on a number of fronts, with its rules on customer due diligence, wire transfers and suspicious transaction reporting declared insufficient.