Dear Eric: My husband and I have been married for more than 30 years and enjoy each other’s company. As many couples, after many years there are certain things that we do that get on each other’s nerves. He has always been a neat and organized person, and I have always been a bit messy.
The Philippines is known for its monthslong Christmas celebrations starting in September. The heavily Catholic country of nearly 120 million people is serious about the festive season. However, this time of year has recently taken a much more somber tone for many Filipino families.
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Estrella Pagarigan had decorated her home with recycled bamboo and plastic bottle parols for the holidays, but in early November, the house where she, her husband, and three children have lived for years was flattened overnight.
While Plex on its own is fine, the real fun comes from customizing your experience with plugins, turning the platform into your personal DeLorean of streaming. It'll benefit anyone who uses your Plex library, too, like installing better search tools or a request system.
Thanks to the different sensors in modern smartphones, they can do more than just communicate. For example, you don't need a dedicated device to count steps as your phone can do it—but how does a smartphone count steps?
Amazon tracks nearly everything you do on its platform—your purchases, browsing history, and even interactions with Alexa. It uses all that information to understand your shopping behavior and present a better shopping experience. But what exactly does Amazon know about you, and how can you find out?