The Los Angeles Times interviewed a friend of James Holmes, who has known him for more than ten years. According to Richie Duong, he seems like a normal nerd: really bright, hangs out with a select group of friends, and does stuff that your average guy likes to do - play cards, watch movies, and play video games.
He doesn’t sound like a hard-core gamer since he plays the Wii. He watches “Lost,” which, although is science fiction, isn’t the most nerdy show on TV. He plays cards, but it doesn’t sound like poker. These interests seem very normal and broad, not someone who’s super obsessed with any particular form of entertainment.
According to Duong, Holmes is a “pretty athletic kid” and doesn’t seem to have trouble with “girls,” but have never introduced any of them as his girlfriend. He last spoke with him about half a year ago and is not sure what made him “snap.”
USA Today has more of a peripheral view of Holmes. It’s more from people in the community who have met him, but aren’t close. According to them, he’s shy, polite, and, yes, smart. The family seems to be very proud of his academic achievements.
The video that ABC News showed of Holmes when he was 18 doing a presentation in college puts the whole thing together and confirms what has already been said. He seems a bit nervous and socially awkward.
Overall, it’s a scary portrait because he seems like your normal skinny and socially awkward school nerd who likes science.