Marvel has released the first trailer for its new animated series “Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man.” The show follows a parallel timeline where Peter Parker, aka Spider-Man, is mentored by Norman Osborn, the alter-ego of his archenemy the Green Goblin, instead of Tony Stark like in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Cast members include Hudson Thames as […]
Universal’s “Wicked” is officially the highest-grossing Broadway adaptation in global box office history, overtaking 2008’s “Mamma Mia” to notch the harmonious milestone. “Wicked” has generated $634 million worldwide after six weeks of release while “Mamma Mia” amassed $611 million (not adjusted for inflation) by the end of its box office run.
Disney’s “Mufasa: The Lion King” and Paramount’s “Sonic the Hedgehog 3” are duking it out for first place at the North American box office with each of the family friendly films bringing in roughly $60 million over the five days since Christmas. Based on estimates, “Sonic 3” was ever-so-slightly ahead during the traditional weekend ($38 […]
Jeff Jacob remembers getting his first glimpses of a galaxy far, far away at Denver’s Cooper Cinerama, where his family took him to see the first Star Wars film in 1977.
From a young age, Jacob was hooked. He stockpiled action figures and bought the first piece of what would become his official collection when he was just 19 years old.
“It’s like a lifetime of treasure hunting,” he said.
I skipped buying the Apple Watch Ultra 2 because of its cost and went with the Series 10 instead. However, when an irresistible offer came, I bit the bullet, and now I don't want to return it.