Ann Arbor | featured news

Locally-grown food, drink and music on the menu at annual HomeGrown Festival tonight

People try different types of tomatoes at the tomato tasting during the fifth annual Home Grown Festival at the Ann Arbor Farmers Market in 2012.


Heart attack survivor rescued at 2011 Michigan-Notre Dame game wishes both teams well

Notre Dame fan Leo Staudacher, right, was rescued by rivals in 2011 when Marvin Sonne, University of Michigan School of Dentristry 1973, performed CPR when Staudacher suffered a heart attack at the U-M game against Notre Dame.University of Michigan Health System photo


Students, fans from both U-M and Notre Dame flock to GameDay telecast

Hundreds gathered at Ingalls Mall on the University of Michigan campus for ESPN's "College GameDay" telecast. John Counts |


David Berkeley brings his melancholy, poetic style to The Ark Monday night

David Berkeley, who, according to the New York Times, has a “lustrous melancholy voice with shades of Tim Buckley and Nick Drake,” brings an album’s worth of new songs to The Ark on Monday night.


Ypsi 24 Hour Film Shootout to host informational mixer

The second annual Ypsi 24 Hour Shootout - a contest in which filmmakers have 24 hours to make and submit a short film that includes various elements announced at the starting time - is scheduled to happen September 27-29, but those who want to find out more, or network with other local filmmakers, should con


Parents disdain marriage after failure of their own

DEAR ABBY: I'm 24 and a college graduate. My boyfriend, "Jordan," and I have been together for a year and we would like to get married. However, my parents are against the idea. They love Jordan, but they think marriage is stupid because, in 2013, "Who is getting married?"


Horoscope for September 7, 2013

Events both unexpected and inevitable can be turned to your advantage in the year ahead. Your ability to make the best out of what you are given will greatly help your financial or career prospects. Opportunities will come from those you have worked or played with in the past.
Continue reading Horoscope for September 7, 2013...


Woman feels everyone has the right to complain about their weight even if they are thin

Adapted from a recent online discussion.

Dear Carolyn:
As a woman who has struggled with my weight most of my life, I'd like to offer a little perspective on a past column about hearing "svelte" friends complain about their weight (
I have several friends who were always thin and have gained weight as they've gotten older. To me, who until recently was close to 300 pounds, I think they look great.


Brett Weston's distinct landscape photography on display at UMMA

“Brett Weston Landscapes” are inaugurating the University of Michigan Museum of Art’s new Photography Gallery in the second floor Maxine and Stuart Frankel Family Wing.
Continue reading Brett Weston's distinct landscape photography on display at UMMA...


Student binge drinking: Are tailgaters drinking more or are we just able to see more of it?

University of Michigan officials are encouraging students to be safe with their drinking during tailgates before the Michigan-Notre Dame game Saturday.Courtney Sacco |


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