DANBURY — Police Chief Al Baker said Tuesday that former Mayor Gene Eriquez received no special treatment during his domestic violence arrest last weekend, when he was released on a promise to appear in court instead of booked into jail and required to post bond. Eriquez, who is accused of beating his wife after coming home drunk Sunday morning, was considered unlikely to evade his court appearance, the chief said, and bond was therefore unnecessary. Eriquez, who is also chairman of the city’s Democratic Party, was charged Sunday with third-degree assault, disorderly conduct and interfering with an emergency call — all misdemeanors — after a drunken assault on his wife, according to a police report. Baker said officers use discretion in conducting sobriety tests, noting that experienced officers can recognize an intoxicated person by their speech and body language. “Here in the state of Connecticut, a verbal warning is considered a form of enforcement,” said Baker, noting that insurance companies use the warning to determine fault. Five years earlier, the officer investigating a report of a crash found a Jeep Grand Cherokee in the grassy area outside the Western Connecticut State University parking garage on White Street, resting against the parking gate.