Home & Garden | featured news

Networx: Install a wifi thermostat for your central air and earn rewards

The hot weather’s on its way, and that means balmy days and outdoor fun. It also traditionally means hefty bills for air conditioning, as well as occasional blackouts right during peak usage times. That’s changing this summer, though, as many utility companies are offering incentives, which encourage their customers to save energy and reduce pressure on the electrical grid. Networx talked to a representative of the New York State Electric and Gas Corporation (NYSEG) and Rochester [...]


Learn how to bring the inside outside at Wicked Local U: Home

If you've ever wondered how to transform your boring backyard and gain more usable space in your home without adding to the main structure, stone masons and designers Dean & Derek may have just the answer in “The Outdoor Room,” their keynote presentation at the free Wicked Local U: Home at the Hampton Inn Boston in Natick on May 13.


Networx: How to get a deck or patio into warm weather-worthy shape

Now’s the time to get in shape for summer. No, we’re not talking about hitting the gym to French twist or yoga surf your way to a bikini bod, but something equally important … ensuring your deck or patio is ready for fresh air fun. Whether your thing is open air dining, container gardening, or relaxing in the sweet summer breezes, read our tips to get your outdoor on. SweepSweep up surface debris from your patio or deck. I know, I know -- you made a herculean [...]


Here’s How: Add color to the surface of your concrete patio

Dear James: I had painted a concrete patio before, but it peeled off over time. I want to decorate my new patio by my garden. How can I add a pale pink tint to the concrete surface? -- Cindy R.Dear Cindy: A pale pink tint on the concrete should create attractive contrast with the green from the new landscaping. You are wise to choose just a light tint instead of a deep, rich color. A deep color might sound nice, but an entire patio area of it may become a bit overwhelming.Painting [...]


Networx: How to get a deck or patio into warm weather-worthy shape

Networx: How to get a deck or patio into warm weather-worthy shape

Now’s the time to get in shape for summer. No, we’re not talking about hitting the gym to French twist or yoga surf your way to a bikini bod, but something equally important … ensuring your deck or patio is ready for fresh air fun. Whether your thing is open air dining, container gardening, or relaxing in the sweet summer breezes, read our tips to get your outdoor on. SweepSweep up surface debris from your patio or deck. I know, I know -- you made a herculean [...]


Networx: 4 potential problems with old homes

Either you love them to pieces or you just don’t get what all the fuss is about. We’re talking old houses — not just pre-owned, resales, or whatever they may be called — but old as in “built long before you and possibly even your parents were born.” True, older properties do tend to come with their share of problems. If you’re considering the purchase of a vintage dwelling, do make your offer conditional on a professional home inspection. That [...]


Networx: We rate 8 home maintenance hacks — Hit or Miss?

In the last few years, everybody’s become a hacker. No, they’re not busting into computers and stealing state secrets. They’re up to something even more sinister — persuading you to take an everyday substance (say, toothpaste) you’ve used successfully for years (brushing teeth) and try to shine up your heirloom sterling with the stuff. (Fail! Toothpaste is too abrasive for this task, unlike … wait for it … silver polish.) However, we have to [...]


Networx: What is the best front fencing for your home?

Thinking of adding a front fence to your home? Or maybe you need replacement of your old fence after winter storms battered the life out of it. Whatever the case, now is the time to start planning for the best-looking, most practical fence for you and your property. Find out how to deal with construction-related paperwork (ugh) and choose a type of fencing that will give you the best results.Do your homework firstPermitPlan ahead to [...]


Networx: How to prepare your home for a successful open house

Planning to sell your home? In many locations, holding a real estate open house or two is the way to go. It’s a method of bringing in a number of prospective buyers (and sometimes other brokers) within a brief time frame … and any one of them could be the one who makes purchase offer you won’t want to refuse. So prep for success — be sure your home is at its best before your agent announces the first open.Take inventory of your property. Selling your house is a [...]


Here’s How: Build a simple carport next to your garage

Dear James: Our mother just moved in with us, so we could use a carport. There is room next to our garage. What is a simple, low-cost carport design we can build? — Samantha T.Dear Samantha: Building a carport is a great idea, especially if you have family visiting for extended periods. In addition to protecting the car from the weather, when the car is being used, the carport can double as a covered play area or work area. If you are really into efficiency, you can use it to hang [...]


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