Home & Garden | featured news

Networx: DIY gift ideas to save your friends and family money

If you’re looking for DIY gift ideas this season, you’ll find a lot of talk about saving money. The trouble is that most people seem to get it slightly wrong. They're talking about saving money for you, the do-it-yourself gift-er.  Since ’tis the season to be thinking of others, how about saving money for the recipients instead — those near and dear to you who will actually be receiving the fruits of your labor? In this spirit, check out our 7 DIY gift ideas [...]


Networx: ERV vs. HRV — Which is the best ventilation system?

As the days go from cool to cold and the last leaves fall from the trees, it’s time to admit it. Yes, winter is coming. It’s not even the snow and ice that most of us mind so much, it’s the stale, cooped-up atmosphere indoors. That’s why many homeowners are looking for a good ventilation system, to get nice fresh air without opening a window when it’s 10 or 20 below outside. You may have heard of whole-house ventilation systems — HRV (heat recovery [...]


Networx: Pink mold removal and prevention in the bathroom

Eww … there’s weird pink stuff growing in the bathroom. Gross. If you have pink stains in your shower and pinkish sludge on your shower curtain, then you’re probably looking at a case of pink mold. What is this common bathroom infestation and how do you get rid of it?What pink ‘mold’ really isPink mold usually appears as a fuzzy (but not in a good way) or slimy buildup in damp areas of your home — most commonly on the shower curtain or [...]


Networx: Entrance foyer addition

"I love my home but … my front door opens right into the living room." No doubt about it, this is definitely an awkward floor plan. You may have tried ignoring the problem or decorating around it. Now, however, you’re ready for a change. Creating an entrance foyer is an affordable home improvement project, and you’ll love the difference it makes in defining your living space.Advantages of an entrance foyerPrivacy. If you add on an entrance foyer, you will [...]


Flower power: Waltham woman judging orchid event at Mahoneys Garden Center

Linda Abrams first saw an ad for an orchid show at her local market in 1984, and curiosity got the better of her.Now, 33 years later, what started out as an interest for the Waltham resident has bloomed into a full-fledged passion."That was the beginning," Abrams said of the 1984 show.She began attending Massachusetts Orchid Society meetings soon thereafter and found herself hooked."The flowers are [...]


Flower power: Waltham woman judging orchid event at Mahoneys Garden Center

Flower power: Waltham woman judging orchid event at Mahoneys Garden Center

Linda Abrams first saw an ad for an orchid show at her local market in 1984, and curiosity got the better of her.Now, 33 years later, what started out as an interest for the Waltham resident has bloomed into a full-fledged passion."That was the beginning," Abrams said of the 1984 show.She began attending Massachusetts Orchid Society meetings soon thereafter and found herself hooked."The flowers are [...]


Flower power: Waltham woman hosts orchid event at Mahoneys Garden Center

Linda Abrams first saw an ad for an orchid show at her local market in 1984, and curiosity got the better of her. Now, 33 years later, what started out as an interest for the Waltham resident has bloomed into a full-fledged passion."That was the beginning," Abrams said of the 1984 show.She began attending Massachusetts Orchid Society meetings soon thereafter and found herself hooked."The flowers are just gorgeous," [...]


Networx: Scary home improvement mistakes

Home improvement. It’s become an American obsession, judging by the popularity of home improvement-themed TV shows like “This Old House,” “Fixer Upper”, and “Property Brothers.” In fact, we seem to be turning into a “Rehab Addict” nation. Sorry to play the role of devil’s advocate, but there is a flip side (pun intended) to all the kitchen remodels and bathroom renovations going on these days. As Halloween approaches, beware, [...]


Networx: Buy your home online: A step-by-step guide

Are you looking to purchase your next home? Whether you’re upscaling, downsizing, or relocating for work or family reasons, you’re not alone. The average American moves every 5 years. In practical terms, that means soon after you get settled in one home, it’s basically time to start searching for another. And if you’re moving to a new locality, the picture will get even more complicated. Aaghh. That’s where the internet comes to your rescue. Find out the steps [...]


Networx: Fall lawn care: Tips and tools to simplify this autumn chore

What does the word “autumn” bring to mind? If it conjures up pictures of yourself slaving away at lawn care tasks, maybe you need a little attitude adjustment. Take a look at these seven tips for simplifying your lawn care and your life. They’ll give you time for long walks through the colorful fall landscape, baking— and eating — apple pies, or cheering your heart out at a football game — all the things that are truly important as the season changes. [...]


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