Boulder’s updated comprehensive flood and stormwater master plan sets forth a new process for prioritizing projects while putting an emphasis on equity and climate resilience. The plan, approved unanimously by the City Council on Thursday, focuses on the 16 major drainageways in Boulder, which staff says is the city with the highest flood risk in Colorado. Of all that’s included in the plan, Boulder is perhaps most excited about its new process for prioritizing flood mitigation projects, given its hope that the new framework will be more objective and allow the city to maintain its focus on equity. “Project prioritization has historically relied heavily on cost-benefit analyses and avoided damages, which results in prioritizing property protection in affluent areas,” Deputy Director of Public Works for Utilities Joanna Bloom said. Moving forward, Boulder plans to prioritize projects that “do the greatest good,” first by analyzing a set of criteria, including cost, effectiveness, equity, life safety and whether it has multiple benefits. It’s then able to score projects using this framework, which in turn helps the city prioritize its work. “The inclusion of racial equity considerations has a tangible impact on how the city approaches its work,” Bloom said. This was commended by the City Council during the public hearing on Thursday, with Councilmember Nicole Speer recommending the city take a similar approach in all its work. “I really appreciate calling out the bias in prior project prioritization methods that provided more protection in affluent areas rather than places where life and safety risks are greatest,” Speer said.