Ninpo is a martial system from Japan with roots extending centuries into history. The concept of Ninpo includes combat techniques (also known as ninjutsu), non-combative skills for working one's will in the world, and philosophies and spiritual training. As a martial system, all of these arenas are focused on enduring conflict succesfully, and the "nin" kanji in Japanese can be translated as "endurance" or "perseverance". Ninpo is characterized by some as "the art of winning".
Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu is the official designation for the traditional Japanese budo martial arts as taught by Soke(Grandmaster) Masaaki Hatsumi of Noda-shi, Japan.
Schools and Instruction,
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This group was founded by Shoto Tanemura, one of Masaaki Hatsumi's senior students who left the Bujinkan in the 80s.
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This group was founded by Fumio Manaka, one of Masaaki Hatsumi's senior students who left the Bujinkan.
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Schools and Instruction
Sites relating to individual schools or instructors. @Links are provided to the 4 major styles of Ninpo, with all other schools or instructors listed here.
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To-Shin Do
Branch of Ninpo founded in 1994 by Stephen K. Hayes, one of Masaaki Hatsumi's senior students.
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