Topics: Philosophy : Philosophy of Language

Philosophy of language is the study of philosophical issues that arisedue to the language based nature of discourse and argument. It isdominated by philosophical analysis, the branch of philosophy thatoccupies itself with what the structures of language tell us about theconcepts we deploy in communicating. Philosophical analysis datesback to the Pre-Socratics , and was first made systematic inAristotle's Organon, but it was with the revolutionary newdevelopments in mathematical logic inaugurated by Frege thatphilosophical analysis assumed the central importance in philosophythat it does today.Analytical philosophy is the school of philosophy which ascribesmost importance to the philosophy of language, and it is in analyticalphilosophy that the so-called `linguistic turn' took place: this isthe idea that long standing controversies in philosophy about thenature of the world and of knowledge can be settled by attention tothe use of the relevant concepts in language. But even outsideanalytical philosophy, philosophy of language is important: linguisticissues take centre stage in the philosophical hermeneutics ofHeidegger and Gadamer and in Derrida's Deconstruction, inphenomenology issues about privacy best formulated in linguistic termsare of crucial importance, whilst in cognitive science the debateabout the nature of concepts revolves about matters of content that

Analysis Analysis View: News Rack - DMoz

Meaning Meaning View: News Rack - Sub-Categories - DMoz
Indeterminacy, Inferential Role Semantics, Narrow Content, Realism and Antirealism, Theories of Reference, More »

Philosophers Philosophers View: News Rack - Sub-Categories - DMoz
A list of homepages of philosophers of especial interest to thephilosophy of language. Most, but not all, of these pages include
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Research Groups Research Groups View: News Rack - DMoz

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