Topics: Race-Ethnic-Religious Relations : Race and Racism

A dictionary defines race as "a division of mankind possessing traits that are transmissible by descent and sufficient to characterize it as a distinct human type" but in practice, 'races' tend to be characterized more by their position of power or powerlessness in a society than by any innate traits. Biologically, no transmissible (genetic) traits are sufficient to characterize a person as belonging to one race or another. Scientists classified the population of the world into different races hundreds of years ago based on observed characteristics, but it is now generally agreed upon that race is a social construct -- a fiction which persists for complex reasons we will try to explore here.

Racial Profiling Racial Profiling View: News Rack - Sub-Categories - DMoz
Racial profiling is the controversial practice of determining a probability of criminal suspicion on the basis of race, national origin, or ethnicity, and, at times, the act of basing law enforcement or exclusionary actions on such a profile.
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Supremacy and Separatism Supremacy and Separatism View: News Rack - Sub-Categories - DMoz
Asian, Black, Hispanic, White, More »

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