Topics: North American : Indigenous

Native American gifts, with websites that offer online shopping, or sites that offer store information about their products and locations. The majority of sites listed here offer products suitable for gift giving.

Craft Supplies Craft Supplies View: News Rack - Sub-Categories - DMoz
For sites selling Indian craft supplies (beads, feathers, jingles, quills, etc.) rather than finished crafts.
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Mayan Mayan View: News Rack - DMoz

Native-Inspired Native-Inspired View: News Rack - Sub-Categories - DMoz
This category is for native-style items, imitations, and historical replicas, and also for non-indigenous art forms inspired by native people or art.
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Native-Made Native-Made View: News Rack - Sub-Categories - DMoz
This category is for authentic items made by Inuit, Metis, or American Indian tribal members, or people who were officially granted tribal artisan status by an American Indian or First Nations tribe or band.
Basketry, Pottery, Rugs and Weavings, More »

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