This category classifies sites according to the molecules of primary interest. These molecules differ from Organic Chemicals in that they were discovered from their synthesis within living cells. Originally these would be extracted from plants or animals. Many biomolecules can now be produced synthetically from simple chemicals; sugars, amino acids, steroids or drugs that mimic their effects.More often the term biomolecule, applies to macromolecules which are polymers ofsugars: oligosaccharidesamino acids: peptides and proteinsnucleotides: oligonucleotides, DNA and RNASites primarily covering translocation of DNA and translation of RNA, may be found in Gene_ExpressionFor sites on the role of cyclic nucleotides and phosphoinositols in their biochemical role, see Signal_TransductionSteroids and Prostaglandins are currently included in Carbohydrates_and_Lipids.
Carbohydrates and Lipids
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Proteins and Enzymes
This category deals with cytobiology;protein interactions at the cellular level, such as cytoplasm or organellesin contrast to those at the nuclear level,which are dealt with in Gene Expression.The established pathways, also known as Enzymology, are currently dealt with in the Metabolism categoryHowever, structural aspects are included in Proteins and Enzymes: Structure.where there are also links about the enzymes of transcription and translocation.Whereas intracellular events related to cytoplasm are contained in this category,intercellular events effecting membrane, signaling mechanisms and second messengers,should be found in Cell_Biology, or perhaps Developmental_Biology.Biochemical events between organs should be found in Physiology, or perhaps Endocrinology.
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