Topics: Kingdoms : Middle

The Kingdom of the Middle, also known as the Mid-Realm, is formed of the mundane lands known as Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, Michigan, Illinois, a nip of Iowa, Wisconsin, Minnesota and North and South Dakota in the United States, and Manitoba and a bit of Ontario, in Canada. It is bordered on the north by the Kingdom of An Tir, on the east by the East Realm, Æthelmearc and Atlantia, on the west by Artemisia and the Outlands, and on the south by Meridies and Calontir.

Constellation Region Constellation Region View: News Rack - Sub-Categories - DMoz
The Constellation Region is a portion of the Middle Kingdom (Midrealm) covering the modern-world state of Indiana.
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Midlands Region Midlands Region View: News Rack - Sub-Categories - DMoz
The Midlands Region is a portion of the Middle Kingdom (Midrealm) that includes the modern state of Illinois and a very small part of Iowa.
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Oaken Region Oaken Region View: News Rack - Sub-Categories - DMoz
The Oaken Region is a portion of the Middle Kingdom (Midrealm) covering the modern-world states of Ohio and Kentucky.
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Pentamere Region Pentamere Region View: News Rack - Sub-Categories - DMoz
The Pentamere Region is a portion of the Middle Kingdom (Midrealm) covering the modern-world state of Michigan.
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