Topics: Music : Instruments

Sites listed here provide information about musical instruments. Listed sites may be about different types of musical instruments or about a specific instrument. Websites included in this category are either educational, reference oriented, or informational in nature.Examples of suitable topics include: the history and invention of an instrument; repertoire and compositions written for a specific instrument; the proper care of a type of instrument; physical description of an instrument including size, material composition, sound properties and appearance; playing tips, tuning, fingering and instrument-specific technique; and the process used in crafting or manufacturing an instrument.

Brass Brass View: News Rack - Sub-Categories - DMoz
Instruments that are sounded by the buzzing of the player's lips. Brass instruments typically consist of a tube with a mouthpiece at one end and a flared opening at the other.
Didgeridoo, Trumpet, More »

Classical Classical View: News Rack - Sub-Categories - DMoz
The word 'classical' really has two meanings: firstly, it is used when music is described as belonging to one of two broad categories, for example 'pop' and 'classical'.
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Early Early View: News Rack - Sub-Categories - DMoz
Music composed before approximately 1500 is often called 'Medieval' music. After this, during the 16th Century, there became a great interest in learning and culture, and it was an age of exploration and discovery.
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Electronic Electronic View: News Rack - Sub-Categories - DMoz
Instruments producing musical sounds by electronic means (electrohones), including synthesizers, samplers, and drum machines. Electro-mechanical instruments like the electric piano, or electric guitar should be listed elsewhere ( Keyboard and Guitars respectively).
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Harmonica Harmonica View: News Rack - DMoz

Human Voice Human Voice View: News Rack - Sub-Categories - DMoz
Sites listed here provide information about the biological and physical aspects of the human voice.
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Jazz and Blues Jazz and Blues View: News Rack - DMoz

Keyboard Keyboard View: News Rack - Sub-Categories - DMoz
Any of various instruments, played by means of a set of piano like keys. Organs, harpsichords, pianos, and accordions are all examples of keyboard instruments.
Harpsichord, Piano, More »

Percussion Percussion View: News Rack - Sub-Categories - DMoz
Instruments which are designed to produce noise when they are struck. Many such instruments use a stretched membrane (membranophones) to create sound while others use the object itself (idiophones).
Bells, More »

Stringed Stringed View: News Rack - Sub-Categories - DMoz
A musical instrument producing sound when taut strings are plucked, struck, or bowed (chordophones). Usually stringed instruments will include several strings tuned to various pitches and some method of amplifying or resonating the sound of the strings such as a sounding board or hollow chamber.
Guitar, Viola, Viola da Gamba, Violin, More »

Woodwind Woodwind View: News Rack - Sub-Categories - DMoz
A woodwind instrument produces sound by blowing against an edge or a vibrating reed. Opening or closing holes in the body of the instrument changes the pitch.
Bagpipes, Bassoon, Clarinet, Crumhorn, Flute, More »

World Cultures World Cultures View: News Rack - DMoz

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