In Adventure games (also referred to as interactive fiction), the player enters a game world and the story's progression follows from the player's interaction with that world. Progress toward the goal is usually impeded by intellectual problems to solve using resources within the game world. The term adventure game derives from Crowther and Woods's "Adventure", the computer game that invented the genre. This category includes classic text adventures (like the original Zork trilogy), and graphical adventure games (like Myst). Interactive movies like Dragon's Lair lack the intellectual problem solving of adventure games, but may be listed here for want of a better category. Games in the cinematic adventure genre, such as Tomb Raider, are not necessarily adventure games in the sense used here. Nor are collections of puzzles on a similar theme, like Jewels of the Oracle, though they may be marketed as adventure games because puzzle games appeal to the same audience.
Buzz Lightyear of Star Command,
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Browser Based
Browser based adventures are interactive fiction where the player can change the outcome of the story by his or her input.
Choose Your Own Adventure,
Development Tools,
Point and Click,
Text Based,
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Cheats and Hints
Contains sites which provide cheats, frequently asked questions (FAQs), walkthroughs, help files, hints, and codes.
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Design and Development
This category covers the design and development of adventure games (aka interactive fiction). This includes both sites about storytelling and problem construction as well as how to program games.
Authoring Systems,
Game Design,
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Downloadable interactive fiction games, such as "choose-your-own-adventure", text adventures, or Myst like point-and-click adventures, as well as related downloads.
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Graphical Adventures
Graphical adventures refer to adventure games which have graphical visual interfaces, rather than textual command line input.
102 Dalmatians,
1893 - A World's Fair Mystery,
3 Skulls of the Toltecs,
80 Days,
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Independent Developers
This category is for sites devoted to individual games which are non-commercial in nature. These would include: freeware games; amateur games made with programs such as SCRAMM; and companies whose games have not yet been sold to a publisher.
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Lost Adventures of Legend, The,
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News and Reviews
Contains sites whose main focus are to provide information, news, reviews, previews, articles, and fora about adventure games.
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Text Adventures
The text adventure genre started by Crowther and Woods' Colossal Cave adventure in 1972. "Text Adventures" is often used interchangeably with "Interactive Fiction".
Ad Verbum,
Africa Gardens,
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Visual Novels
Visual novels are Japanese adventure games featuring still graphics and novel-style text. They overlap heavily with dating sims, but a visual novel is a separate medium and games can be in any genre.
Gyakuten Saiban Series,
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