Star Trek: Borg is an adventure-simulation type game that puts the player as Kaylan Furlong, a young Federation cadet whose father was vaporized six years earlier on the U.S.S. Righteous by the Borg. The character Q from the show is the player's guide. He brings them back in time to battle the Borg and avenge Furlong's death. Star Trek: Borg is available for Windows 95 and Macintosh formats.Release History Title Date Region Platform Star Trek: Borg 1996-10-31 North America Windows
Cheats and Hints
Cheats and Hints contains sites whose main focus is to provide cheats, frequently asked questions (FAQs), walkthroughs, help files, hints, and codes for the game Star Trek: Borg.
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Reviews and Previews
Reviews and Previews contains links to specific reviews or previews for the game Star Trek: Borg.
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