Genre is defined as a category of artistic, musical, or literary composition characterized by a particular style, form, or content. Sites listed in the this category cover multiply types of media and artistic styles. For example, sites about Sci Fi in literature, TV, film and visual arts are listed here. Sites discussing a genre limited to a single media or style should be listed under the specific media/type category. For example Sci Fi movies are categorized under Science Fiction and Fantasy Movies.
Environment and Nature
Arts representing or inspired by Earth, the human environment, and nature.
Film Festivals,
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This category is for all sites that deal with many different aspects of horror. Horror being Clive Barker, Stephen King, the Mummy, Frankenstein.
Conventions and Organizations,
Mailing Lists,
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Science Fiction and Fantasy
Science Fiction and Fantasy related sites that are independent of specific media, or that deal with media which aren't represented in other categories.
Chats and Forums,
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