The Sailor Senshi (known as the Sailor Scouts in the North American version) are warriors fighting for love and justice along side Sailor Moon. Senshi is the japanese word for warrior. All of the senshi in Sailor Moon are female, they are: Inner Senshi: Sailor Mercury - Ami (Amy) Sailor Mars - Rei (Raye) Sailor Jupiter - Makoto (Lita) Sailor Venus - Minako (Mina) Outer Senshi: Sailor Pluto - Setsuna Sailor Neptune - Michiru Sailor Uranus - Haruka Sailor Saturn - Hotaru Sailor Starlights: Sailor Star Fighter - Seiya Sailor Star Healer - Yaten Sailor Star Maker - Taiki Others: Sailor Chibi Moon - ChibiUsa (Rini)
The Inner Senshi (known as Inner Scouts in the North American version) are the five main characters throughout Sailor Moon.
Sailor Jupiter,
Sailor Mars,
Sailor Mercury,
Sailor Moon,
Sailor Venus,
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Sailor Neptune,
Sailor Pluto,
Sailor Saturn,
Sailor Uranus,
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Sailor Starlights
Sailor Star Fighter,
Sailor Star Healer,
Sailor Star Maker,
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