The Record of Lodoss War anime series was originally a Japanese RPG (in the style of the American Dungeons and Dragons): Lodoss War RPG developed by Group SNE. A series of novels, mangas, radio broadcasts, music soundtracks, anime series and movies soon followed. The Record of Lodoss War -13 episodes (1991). -Released in North America in 6 volumes. -Based on the novels. Legend of Crystania -Takes place 300 years in the future. -Movie (1995) and 3 OAVs (1996-97). Welcome to Lodoss Island! -SD (Super-deformed) parody movie. -Released spring of 1998 -30 minutes long. The Record of Lodoss War:The Chronicles of the Heroic Knight -New TV series (1998). -27 episodes. -Released in North America in 9 volumes (1999). -Begins (approximatly) after episode 8 of the first series. -Retells the end of that series, with some changes, and then continues on with a new storyline and characters.
Cast and Crew
Links to categories for members of the Record of Lodoss War crew and voice cast.
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Costume playing of Lodoss Character.
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