It’s been a fraught week in politics, but naturally, the internet has been alight with debate and discussion on the hot topic. But one commentator on Twitter went viral after he decided to compare the struggles of millennials today with those of the Baby Boom generation when they came of age, which was during the the Cold War that shrouded previous generations in related fears about safety in the event of an attack. In the widely circulated tweet from Google Ventures partner Ken Norton, the former product manager shared his view of the generational differences in a tongue-in-cheek hypothetical exchange — that concludes with perhaps the most zeitgeist-encapsulating catchphrase we’ve seen in a while. Millennial: your generation got houses and jobs Boomer: yes but we lived with constant fear of nuclear winter Millennial: hold my avocado — Ken Norton (@kennethn) August 8, 2017 “Hold my avocado” is a riff on two things.