[...] the U.S. has been forced to accept that working with Russia is probably the only way to achieve results on many complicated international issues. [...] Russia was central in the Iran nuclear negotiations and is a player as well as negotiator in the Syria truce effort. Donald Trump advocates improved relations with Russia and has been strikingly complimentary of Putin's strong leadership style. Donald Trump says he would cut regulations and taxes to spur more hiring, and renegotiate or withdraw from trade agreements to bring jobs back to the U.S. Hillary Clinton says she would spend more on roads, tunnels and other infrastructure and make state colleges and universities tuition free to most students. [...] the longer Congress waits to act, the harder it will be to save Social Security without dramatic tax increases, big benefit cuts or some combination. Hillary Clinton has proposed expanding Social Security benefits for widows and family caregivers. [...] when a president sets a major policy by edict, skirting Congress, it sets off a debate that traces back to the time of kings and queens — and the Founding Fathers who rejected the authority of the crown. The Supreme Court deadlocked in June over the major portion of the immigration executive actions, effectively killing the plan for the rest of Obama's presidency. Modest income gains, strikes by fast-food workers, the rapid growth of low-paying jobs while middle-income work shrinks. The debate over rules governing banks and the markets comes down to this: how to prevent another economic catastrophe like the Great Recession ignited by the financial crisis in 2008. The goal behind the most radical overhaul of financial rules since the 1930s was to rein in high-risk practices on Wall Street and prevent another multibillion-dollar taxpayer bailout of banks. Risky lending was restricted and a new federal agency was charged with protecting consumers fro