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Even if their employers offered unlimited vacation days, most people wouldn't take any more time off than they do now.

Topics:  time   
  • Americans Are Stockpiling to Get Ahead of Tariffs
    Some consumers are snapping up computer parts, vacuum cleaners, coffee and olive oil before the levies take effect.
    12/13/2024 - 9:44 pm | View Link
  • Why do so many Americans get their health care claims denied?
    Millions of Americans don’t have access to adequate care, yet the U.S. spends the most on health care compared to other wealthy countries.
    12/13/2024 - 2:36 pm | View Link
  • Drones, planes or UFOs? Americans abuzz over mysterious New Jersey sightings
    It’s unclear if that buzzing sound coming out of New Jersey is drones or something else, but for sure the nighttime sightings are producing tons of talk, a raft of conspiracy theories and craned necks ...
    12/13/2024 - 2:25 pm | View Link
  • Why are Americans frustrated with the health care system?
    The data paints a gloomy picture: The U.S. spends significantly more on health care than other countries (and yet has worse outcomes), insurance costs are rising and millions of people are buried in ...
    12/13/2024 - 10:36 am | View Link
  • CEO shooting case puts Americans’ anger towards the healthcare system in spotlight
    Police are sharing new details about how murder suspect Luigi Mangione escaped New York after allegedly shooting UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson. Meanwhile the crime is highlighting Americans’ ...
    12/13/2024 - 8:51 am | View Link
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  • United States
    The United States of America (USA), commonly known as the United States (U.S.) or America, is a country primarily located in North America. It is a federal union of 50 states and a federal capital district, Washington, D.C.
    12/13/2024 - 7:06 pm | View Website
  • US population by year, race, age, ethnicity, & more | USAFacts
    How many people live in the US? The US population grew 7.7% from the 309.3 million people who lived there in 2010. How has the US population changed over the years? The US population increased 12 out of the 12 years between year 2010 and year 2022. Its largest annual population increase was 1% between 2019 and 2020.
    12/13/2024 - 1:37 pm | View Website
  • Americans
    Americans are the citizens and nationals of the United States of America. [15] [16] The United States is home to people of many racial and ethnic origins; consequently, American law does not equate nationality with race or ethnicity but with citizenship.
    12/13/2024 - 4:18 am | View Website
  • United States | History, Map, Flag, & Population | Britannica
    United States, country in North America, a federal republic of 50 states. Besides the 48 conterminous states that occupy the middle latitudes of the continent, the United States includes the state of Alaska, at the northwestern extreme of North America, and the island state of Hawaii, in the mid- Pacific Ocean.
    12/13/2024 - 2:16 am | View Website
  • Demographics of the United States
    As of 2011, about 250 million Americans live in or around urban areas. That means more than three-quarters of the U.S. population shares just about three percent of the U.S. land area. [150] The following table shows the populations of the top twenty metropolitan areas.
    12/12/2024 - 10:35 pm | View Website
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