U.S. skiing star Lindsey Vonn revealed Wednesday she bruised her right shin while training last week and might skip some practice sessions at the Olympics but plans to race."I'm coming into these Olympics a lot more unsure than I was, um, a few weeks ago," Vonn said in an interview with NBC's "Today" show that aired Wednesday.She said she got hurt in slalom training during pre-Olympic workouts in Austria and hasn't skied since."I at least want people to know what's going on and if I don't perform well, why that is," Vonn said, "but I can guarantee you that I'm going to do everything I can to be as ready as I can with this injury and still try to ski well."Vonn is the two-time reigning overall World Cup champion and considered a multiple-medal threat at the Vancouver Olympics, which open Friday.The first women's Alpine race is the super-combined on Sunday.