U.S. stocks moved higher in early trading Wednesday after very strong earnings from Apple and Boeing. Shares in Apple surged $8.10, or 7.4 percent, to $117.20 after the tech giant reported record-smashing earnings for its latest quarter. Boeing's profit vaulted 19 percent in the fourth-quarter on strong demand for commercial jets airliners. The Fed ends its first policy meeting of the year Wednesday afternoon, after which it is widely expected to repeat its pledge to be patient in raising interest rates from record lows. Inflation has fallen further below the Fed's target rate, thanks to plunging oil prices and a surging dollar that makes imports cheaper. Video game publisher Electronic Arts notched the biggest gain, adding $4.59, or 9.5 percent, to $53. European markets were mixed as investors monitored developments in Greece, where the new government said it would change many of the budget measures promised to eurozone creditor nations in exchange for rescue loans.