ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) — A trio of Upstate New York cities is among the recipients of $1 million arts grants from billionaire Michael Bloomberg's charitable organization. Bloomberg Philanthropies announced Tuesday that Los Angeles; Spartanburg, South Carolina; Gary, Indiana, and a combination of Albany, Schenectady and Troy have been selected to receive the funds to help them support public arts projects designed to celebrate creativity and boost economic development. The recipients were among more than 230 U.S.

  • Hudson home with 'vintage whimsy' including stained glass windows, sells for $1M. See inside.
    Twenty-five homes that sold for $500,000 or more led home sales for Greater Akron the week of Sept. 30, including one in Hudson with vintage touches.
    12/2/2024 - 11:14 pm | View Link
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