Tiun cofounders Nikolaos Christoforakos, Sandro Zweig and Christian Heiduschke.TiunTiun has secured a $2.5 million pre-seed funding round to innovate media monetization.The startup offers a pay-for-what-you-use model to reduce friction for media consumers.Business Insider got an exclusive look at the 9-slide deck it used to raise fresh funding.Zurich-based startup Tiun has raised $2.5 million in pre-seed funding for its digital wallet, which lets users pay only for the online media they consume and provides businesses with an alternative way to monetize their content.The startup aims to streamline the online subscription process, which its cofounder and CEO Nikolaos Christoforakos says is "full of friction" — from registering and authorizing an account to committing to an upfront subscription."Our mission is to help media providers — and more broadly service providers — to attract, engage, and convert younger audiences," Christoforakos told Business Insider.Instead of subscribing to multiple individual media providers, Tiun offers users a digital wallet they can use across multiple media partners to purchase preferred content on a "pay-for-what-you-use" basis.The account is free to create, with users topping up funds using an established payment method.

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