doh!, west haven The taxonomy view with a depth of 0. en Dunkin' Donut Employee Goes All Dirty Harry on Would-Be Robber, Comes Up with Amazing Catchphrase on the Spot <p>A robbery attempt at a Dunkin' Donuts in West Haven, Connecticut, over the weekend was quickly foiled when a rogue employee doused the perp with a cup of hot coffee. The clerk, identified only as Angelica, said a man who had rolled up to the drive-thru window after ordering coffee asked her to change a $100, which she declined to do.</p> <p><a href="">read more</a></p> news u.s. coffee connecticut doh! dunkin&#039; donuts left robbery west haven Tue, 05 Mar 2013 12:45:32 -0500 senh 17904104 at
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<description><p>A robbery attempt at a Dunkin' Donuts in West Haven, Connecticut, over the weekend was quickly foiled when a rogue employee doused the perp with a cup of hot coffee. The clerk, identified only as Angelica, said a man who had rolled up to the drive-thru window after ordering coffee asked her to change a $100, which she declined to do.</p> <p><a href="">read more</a></p></description>
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