Frankenstorm, Hurricane Sandy | featured news

The storm that broke records -- and hearts

A mother learns that her newborn is part of a hospital evacuation. Facebook posts from a member of the HMS Bounty turn ominous. A man worries about the wind and rain, but another force of nature hits home.


Will Jersey shore ever be the same after Sandy?

The superstorm that hit the Jersey shore did more than upend a geographic area; it left people wondering about the future of a place that's become part of pop culture. Bruce Springsteen wrote about it. Nucky Thompson built his "Boardwalk Empire" on it. And Snooki and The Situation got drunk and famous on it.


Mitt Romney Climate Change Brush-Off Highlighted In New Ad

Green advocacy groups on Saturday released an ad reminding voters in Ohio and Virginia that Republican nominee Mitt Romney has mocked President Barack Obama for promising in 2008 to try to slow climate change. The ad from the campaign, which is led by Forecast the Facts and Friends of the Earth Action, will be funded with donations from supporters, who as of early Saturday afternoon had pledged $8,720.


Anheuser-Busch halts beer to make water for Sandy victims


A metro Atlanta brewery has switched from churning out beer to water to help victims of superstorm Sandy. Anheuser-Busch plans on shipping 1 million cans of drinking water to New York and New Jersey from its Cartersville brewery.


Insight: Sandy shows hospitals unprepared when disaster hits home

Kim Bondy was in New Orleans seven years ago when Hurricane Katrina devastated the city, and scores of patients died in flooded hospitals cut off from power. She never thought that she might face that danger herself.


Box Office Report: 'Wreck-It Ralph' No. 1 With $13.5 Mil Friday; 'Flight' Takes Off With $8.2 Mil

Wreck-It Ralph

Moviegoing surges in the Northeast as people look for a distraction from Superstorm Sandy; most movie theaters now reopened. Disney Animation Studios' Wreck-It Ralph rushed to the top of the box office chart on Friday with an opening day gross of $13.4 million.


Free gas among actions to ease Sandy shortage

Free Gas

New Jersey began rationing gasoline on Saturday, while New York had to back off its promise of free gasoline, courtesy of the Department of Defense, and told the public to stay away until first responders could fuel up.


New York's marathon is cancelled

Sunday's New York City marathon has been called off in the aftermath of the super storm Sandy, Mayor Michael Bloomberg announces.


When working from home goes wrong

Nearly every office dweller fantasizes about the joys of working from home: Dressing in PJs instead of suits. Eating from the fridge and not the vending machine. Listening to birds chirp instead of the boss bark.


New York City Marathon Presses On Amid Backlash

NYC Marathon

The Manhattan borough president added his name to those opposed to running the marathon on Sunday, and the Police Department has called on department retirees for help.


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